Net art in Marielund

Artist Kerstin Holmgren lives in Marielund. She has the fascinating gift of making her animals made out of metal nets look as though they are alive. Her little farm in Marielund is adorned with the various animals. For her own sake but also to be on display for the visitors that come to see them during the summer.

On the farm there is a barn where she sells handicrat – both her own and that of others. You can also get a cup of coffee and a homemade treat to go with it – Swedish fika style. Kerstin loves all animals, and both dogs, cats, rabbits, chicken stroll around the farm and sometimes want a little cuddle or to be photographed.

Driving to Marielund from central Arjeplog takes approximately 40 minutes. Go west on the Silver Road, road 95, for 15 km. Turn left towards Maskaur and Båtsjaur. Go past Maskaur and continue another 7 km to Marielund.