Arjeplog’s mountaneous island world is an incredible environment. Large, deep lakes such as Hornavan, Uddjaur and Tjeggelvas are snuggled in between the mountains, along with nearly 9000 other lakes adorned by islands and islets of various sizes. The three valleys of the rivers Skellefteälven, Piteälven and Laisälven all have their own unique character and appeal.

The fishing in Arjeplog is among the best in the country and the water also invites to long kayak rides, a swim under the midnight sun or a relaxing moment in a wood sauna. Some waters are so remote, a helicopter ride is the best way of getting there, while other streams are so easily accessible that prams and wheelchairs conveniently can reach them.

Arjeplog’s mountain world is vast and wonderous. From here you can see Norway, and hike there. Here is Sálajiegna, Sweden’s largest glacier, nature reserves and a national park. Marked trails guide you forward and the surrounding nature makes you feel like you are the first human to ever set foot there.

You are never alone, but it takes concentration and a certain amount of experience to be able to spot the ptarmigans and reindeer that keep you company. If you prefer human company, there’s plenty of hiking trails that are closer to central Arjeplog. Or you can stay at one of the many accommodation facilities that are spread throughout the mountain world. Arjeplog has room for everyone, and new views every day. Welcome to experience our nature.